Synopsis: The Orphanage centers on a Laura (Belén Rueda) who purchases her beloved childhood orphanage with dreams of restoring and reopening the long abandoned facility as a place for disabled children. Once there, Laura discovers that the new environment awakens her sons imagination, but the ongoing fantasy games he plays with an invisible friend quickly turn into something more disturbing. Upon seeing her family increasingly threatened by the strange occurrences in the house, Laura looks to a group of parapsychologists for help in unraveling the mystery that has taken over the place.
Other Reviews:
Ebert & Roeper: Two Thumbs Up
Fandango: 2 Oh No, 2 No, 6 So-So, 35 Go, 65 Must Go
Rotten Tomatoes: T-Meter Critics: 83% Fresh, Top Critics: 92% Fresh, RT Community 96% Fresh
Yahoo Movies: Critics: N/A Users: B+
My Review: It was a good film, very suspenseful and many parts that make one jump. It would be fun to take a date because she would hold ones hand because of her sacredness. Remember it is a foreign film so yes, there will be some reading of subtitles but it is a simple storyline and easy to fallow. Also it is in Spanish so there may be some words that are easy to pick up on. It was just as good as Pan's Labyrinth (directed by Guillermo del Toro) The Orphanage was presented by this same guy so good taste by a good director. If a local theater/ art house is playing The Orphanage go see it.
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