Synopsis: After being sent away by Judge Turpin, Sweeney Todd a.k.a Benjamin Barker returns to London with the help of a sailor, Anthony Hope. He opens a barber shop above Mrs. Lovett's Meat Pie Shop, where she sells "the worst pies in London." With the help of Mrs. Lovett, Todd means to rid London of the corrupt aristocracy, and hopes to be reunited with his daughter, Johanna, who is now Judge Turpin's ward.
Other Reviews:
Ebert & Roeper: Two Thumbs Up
Fandango: 133 Oh No, 1338 No, 261 So-So, 1038 Go, 2078 Must Go
Rotten Tomatoes: T-Meter: 86% Fresh, Top Critics: 83% Fresh, RT Community: 89% Fresh
Yahoo Movies: Critic: B+, Users: B+
My Review: I want to say first of all I am sorry I didn’t get this review to you sooner. The theater I work at just got it and but it will be leaving on Thursday February 28, 2008. So I watched and here is what I think. Tim Burton is one of my favorite directors so I liked it just because of that fact. You will only like this film if and only if you’re into the following: Musicals, Artistic Films, and Blood (Slasher Films). Those three elements are what make up the whole film. If you haven’t seen it yet and waiting to don’t, see right away, because I don’t know how much longer it will be in theaters in smaller cities.
1 comment:
I would like to see this film someday. However, the film will be required to be in high definition. I can settle at 720 progressive, but nothing less. Of course, less would not officially be high definition. therefore, I will not settle for anything other than high definition.
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