The Synopsis
IMDb: Inspired by actual events that occurred in 1920s-era Los Angeles, Clint Eastwood's The Changeling tells the story of a woman driven to confront a corrupted LAPD after her abducted son is retrieved and she begins to suspect that the boy returned to her is not the same boy she gave birth to. The year was 1928, and the setting a working-class suburb of Los Angeles. As Christine (Angelina Jolie) said goodbye to her son, Walter, and departed for work, she never anticipated that this was the day her life would be forever changed. Upon returning home, Christine was distressed to discover that Walter was nowhere to be found. Over the course of the following months, the desperate mother would launch a search that would ultimately prove fruitless. Yet just when it seemed that all hope was lost, a nine-year-old boy claiming to be Christine's son seemed to appear out of thin air. Overcome with emotions and uncertain how to face the authorities or the press, Christine invites the child to stay in her home despite knowing without a doubt that he is not her son. As much as Christine would like to accept the fact that her son has been returned to her, she cannot accept the injustice being pushed upon her and continues to challenge the Prohibition-era Los Angeles police force at every turn. As a result, Christine is slandered by the powers that be, and painted as an unfit mother. In this town, a woman who challenges the system is putting her life on the line, and as the situation grows desperate, the only person willing to aid her in her search is benevolent local activist Reverend Briegleb (John Malkovich).
Other Reviews
Roger Ebert: 31/2 Stars
Michael Phillips: 3 stars
EW: Owen Gleiberman: B
A. O. Scott: NA
Other Sites:
At The Movies: Ben Mankiewicz: See It, Ben Lyons: See It
Fandango: 10 Oh No, 6 No, 28 So-So, 69 Go, 135 Must Go
Rotten Tomatoes: T-Meter: 54% (Rotten), Top Critics: 46% (Rotten), RT Community: 86% (Fresh)
Metacritic: Critics: 63 out of 100, Users: 8.5 out of 10
Yahoo Movies: Critics: B Users: A-
My Review
Source Material: Based on A True Story, Screenplay written by J. Michael Straczynski
Action: Brilliant: Even thought this film is dramatically driven the action keeps the audience.
Acting and Dialogue:Oscar Worthy: Angelina Jolie showcase great acting all round.
Cinematography: Amazing: Period Film like this bring out the best cinematography
Direction: Amazing: Clint Eastwood in last past five years or so has put out some really good movies, this one matches the greatness of his other films.
Sound: Brilliant: Good Score.
Special and Visual FX: Common: None
Overall: A- I recommend this film for film fans and people who love Oscar buzz film.
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