Title: Up
Distributor: Pixar
Director: Pete Docter, Bob Peterson (co-director)
Writer(s): Bob Peterson (screenplay) and, Pete Docter (screenplay)
Staring: Edward Asner, Christopher Plummer, Jordan Nagai, Bob Peterson
MPAA Rating: Rated PG for some peril and action.
Running Time: 96 min (1 hr and 36 min)
Synopsis: By tying thousands of balloons to his home, 78-year-old Carl Fredricksen sets out to fulfill his lifelong dream to see the wilds of South America. Right after lifting off, however, he learns he isn't alone on his journey, since Russell, a wilderness explorer 70 years his junior, has inadvertently become a stowaway on the trip.
Other Reviews
Roger Ebert: 4 Stars
Michael Phillips: 4 Stars
EW: Lisa Schwarzbaum: A
Other Sites:
At The Movies: Ben Mankiewicz: See It, Ben Lyons: See It
Rotten Tomatoes: T-Meter: 98% (Fresh), Top Critics: 94% (Fresh), RT Community: 83% (Fresh)
Metacritic: Critics: 88 out of 100, Users: 9.2 out of 10
MRQE Metric: 86: (57.5% A, 38.5% B, 3.9% C, 0.0% D, and 0.0% F)
Yahoo Movies: Critics: A- Users: A
My Review
Source Material: An original written by Bob Peterson and Pete Docter
Acting and Dialogue: A: Great for the whole family. The voice actor did great also.
Art Direction: A+: Beautiful animation and even better in 3D.
Cinematography: A+: Best of animated cinematography, the realization was spectacular.
Direction: A: The opening 12-15min is probably best opening I have seen not only in an animation feature but in a motion picture period. That greatness run through out the entire film.
Sound and Music: A: Love the score; gets stuck in my head, humming it now by the way.
VFX: A+: Great animation…. What do you expect it is Pixar?
Overall: A: The only other animation film to come out this year that will give Up a run for it’s money at the Oscars is “9” It is just an over all great movie. A movie for all ages.