Title: Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Distributor: Columbia Pictures Corporation
Director: Steven Spielberg
Writer(s): Steven Spielberg (written by)
Staring: Richard Dreyfuss
MPAA Rating: NA
Running Time: 135 min (2 hr and 15 min)
Synopsis: After an encounter with UFOs, a line worker feels undeniably drawn to an isolated area in the wilderness where something spectacular is about to happen.
Other Reviews
Other Sites:
Rotten Tomatoes: T-Meter: 95% (Fresh), Top Critics: 100% (Fresh), RT Community: 91% (Fresh)
Metacritic: Critics: NA out of 100, Users: NA out of 10
MRQE Metric: 86: (57.0% A, 37.3% B, 0.0% C, 3.3% D, and 0.0% F)
Yahoo Movies: Critics: A- Users: B+
My Review
Source Material: Original: written and directed by Steven Spielberg
Acting and Dialogue: A: When looking at the film it seem a bit cheesy and dated but it was made in the late 70's.
Art Direction: A: It was a beautiful film in both the art direction and cinematography
Cinematography: A: Many iconic images form the history of Sci-Fi
Direction: A: Steven Spielberg at his prime
Sound and Music: A: John Williams is always a good addition to a films score. The whole score was based off those famous five notes.
VFX: A: It is very advanced for the time it was made. I love seeing the primordial forms VFX.
Overall: A: If you are looking for a good old school Sci-Fi then check out Close Encounters of the Third Kind
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