Distributor: Lionsgate
Director: Matthew Vaughn
Writer(s): Jane Goldman(screenplay) & Matthew Vaughn(screenplay)
Staring: Aaron Johnson, Evan Peters, Clark Duke, Lyndsy Fonseca, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Mark Strong, Chloe Moretz, Nicolas Cage
MPAA Rating: Rated R for strong brutal violence throughout, pervasive language, sexual content, nudity and some drug use - some involving children
Running Time: 117 min
Synopsis: Dave Lizewski is an unnoticed high school student and comic book fan who one day decides to become a super-hero, even though he has no powers, training or meaningful reason to do so.
What Others Are Saying?
Rotten Tomatoes: T-Meter: 78% (Fresh), Top Critics: 76% (Fresh), RT Community: 92% (Fresh)
Metacritic: Critics: 67 out of 100, Users: 8.6 out of 10
MRQE Metric: 72: (29.6% A, 43.8% B, 20.6% C, 5.0% D, and 0.0% F)
Yahoo Movies: Critics: B Users: A-
My Review
Source Material: Based on comic book series written by Mark Millar and illustrated by John Romita, Jr
Entertaining Value:
- Action Elements: A lot of stylized fighting aka kicking ass.
- Comedy Elements: There are a good amount of reference to comic books and pop culture. The brutality of the fights were funny to the guys in the crowed.
- Dramatic Elements: Just high school drama.
- Sci-Fi / Fantasy Elements: Anything that would fit into a comic book realm.
- Acting and Dialogue: B+: The line deliverance was great. As far as performance there were not to bad since most of the cast are all newish to the business
- Art Direction: B+: I think the costuming was the best part of the art in the film.
- Cinematography: A-: Action sequence were great. The film makers experimented with cool techniques and they worked beautifully
- Direction: A: Were looking at a fairly new director here, who has some pretty awesome producing credits with films like Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels and Snatch. I liking Matthew Vaughn more and more. How did he do on this film, well Kick Ass (some pun attended).
- Editing: A: The transitions in the film were sweet. I liked how the editing paired very nicely with the cinematography.
- Screenplay: B: The story seem to be pretty solid, from what I have heard from my friends who read the comic is its fairly close to the book.
- Sound and Music: A: The sound track was great, it to fit the on screen action.
- VFX: A: I personally want to say kudos to all who did there own stunts on this film, it was one of the better action movies with real kick ass fighting in, that I liked. Therefore, I also have to give props to the stunt guys also case they made everyone else look bad ass.
- Themes: Superheros
- Moral of the Story: Standing up form someone could pay off in the end.
- Take Home: The most Kick Ass movie ever.
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