Saturday, January 19, 2008

Cloverfield Review

Synopsis: N/A yet at

Other Reviews:

Ebert & Roeper: N/A yet at
Fandango: 27 Oh No, 8 No, 23 So-So, 18 Go, 92 Must Go
Rotten Tomatoes: T-Meter Critics: 77% Fresh, Top Critics 69% Fresh, RT Community: 59 Rotten
Yahoo Movies: Critics: B, Users B-

My Review: I say go and see it. It is a great movie. Let me stop and say on thing before I say any else about the movie. J.J. Abrams is the greatest marketing producer. He hyped people up to see the film only so they could answer there question, “What in the world is attacking the city?” Yes, it is a good movie but there are some elements of the film that turn a lot of people off like: It is filmed in a documentary/ run around with a digital camera/ Blair Witch Project style…this make the audience feel uneasy (maybe even want to throw up). The film ends very hastily (some may even say it didn’t have a ending) Those were the two common things I heard people say about the film they didn’t like but I say go watch it and make opinion about it your self. I would agree this point on every film but I betting this will be one of this years best Blockbuster films.

1 comment:

Leonidas said...

I would have to agree with you on this one. I was upset about the ending until someone told me that it is JJ's style. Once I understood that, well, the ending makes sense then. I'm gonna see it again!