Sunday, February 3, 2008

There Will Be Blood Review

Synopsis: It is 1898. In the New Mexico wilderness, Daniel Plainview (Daniel Day-Lewis) works his silver mine. When he breaks his leg when he finally finds the silver ore, he drags himself to town to sell it. He hires a crew, including a man caring for an infant son. When the silver mine plays out, Plainview discovers oil in the mine. He builds a pump and recreates himself as an oil man. The young father dies in a drilling accident. Planview adopts the young boy as his own and names him H.W. Nine years later, Plainview is a successful if still somewhat minor oil man. He has several productive wells around New Mexico and, with H.W. (Dillon Freasier), travels the state to buy the drilling rights to private property…. Continue reading at

Other Reviews:

Ebert & Roeper: Two Thumbs Up
Fandango: 92 Oh no, 71 No, 114 So-So, 207 Go, 670 Must Go
Rotten Tomatoes: T-Metter Critic: 91% Fresh, Top Critic 94% Fresh, RT Community: 81% Fresh
Yahoo Movies: Critic: A-, User: B

My Review: Daniel Day-Lewis was extreme good in this film. The way he plays a manipulative oil tycoon (mobster) was awesome. I only say mobster because he kill people who get in his way, make him angry, or is his compotation. There are positives and negatives. Positives: Daniel Day-Lewis acting, Directing was good but it looks a lot like No Country for Old Men manly visually though. Negatives: The story dose drags in spots, it seem like sometime they forgot to edit that part of the film. It is a three hour film and feels like a three and half to four hour film. It is a good film no dough, but it may not be for everybody.

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