Synopsis: Will Hayes (Ryan Reynolds) has just received divorce papers from his wife to sign at his advertising office in New York City. He picks up his 11-year-old daughter, Maya (Abigail Breslin) at school where she has just been taught sex education. Will can't take these new sex questions that Maya is asking him. So when she asks him to tell the story about how he met her mother, and how they really fell in love, Will thought this would be easier to explain to her. Will decides to tell Maya a bedtime story in the form of a puzzle with the names changed so she must figure out which of the three loves of his life became his wife and her mother. His story begins in 1992 when Will moves to New York City from Madison, Wisconsin, to work on the Clinton presidential campaign. He must leave behind his first love Emily (Elizabeth Banks) who is his college sweetheart. In New York, he meets his second love, April (Isla Fisher) at the campaign office. His third love is Summer (Rachel Weisz) a journalist who writes for the 'New Yorker' magazine. Maya begins to understand that love is not so simple, but she is able to put all the pieces of his three love stories together and solves the puzzle. Douglas Young (the-movie-guy)
Ebert & Roeper: NA
Fandango: 5 Oh No, 5 No, 9 So-So, 13 Go, 23 Must Go
Rotten Tomatoes: T-Meter: 70% Fresh, Top Critics: 64% Fresh, RT Community: 75% Fresh
Yahoo Movies: Critic: B-, Users: B
My Review: It was a good movie. It is more of a date movie but it is good just by your self as well. It dose have many different demotions. It has comedy, drama, and tear jerker moments. The tear jerker moments are only there for the people who are a little gentler at heart. Part of the movie you will feel a little bit bad for Ryan Reynolds character. It is a good cutesy flick to take a date or see on your own.
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