Monday, September 22, 2008


The Synopsis

IMDb: "Igor" is a playfully irreverent comedy that brings a new twist to the classic monster genre. In a world filled with Mad Scientists and Evil Inventions, one talented evil scientist's hunch-backed lab assistant has big dreams of becoming a Mad Scientist himself and winning the annual Evil Science Fair.

Other Reviews


Roger Ebert
: NA
Michael Phillips: 2 1/2 stars (fair-good)
EW: Adam Markovitz C
A. O. Scott: NA

Other Sites:

At The Movies: Ben Mankiewicz: NA Ben Lyons: NA
Fandango: 50 Oh No, 27 No, 59 So-So, 70 Go, 73 Must Go
Rotten Tomatoes: T-Meter: 28% (Rotten), Top Critics: 21% (Rotten), RT Community: 75% (Fresh)
Metacritic: Critics: 42 out of 100, Users: 8.7 out of 10
Yahoo Movies: Critics: NA Users: B

My Review

Source Material: Simi-Original based on the classic Igor character.

Action: Common: For an animation film it was quite boring.

Acting and Dialogue: Common: All star cast (voice) but no real deliverance. The only characters I like and laugh at the most was Scamper (Steve Buscemi) and Brain (Sean Hayes). Most of the dialogue was one-liner that crickets laugh at, not very well at all.

Cinematography: Common: No Disney magic or DreamWorks inventiveness. It was just another animation film.

Direction: Common: Great idea for a story but the execution was horrible. I wish Disney would head this project up or even DreamWorks.

Sound: Brilliant: I like the score and sound effects. It made it feel like a carton version of a monster movie, Real Industrialism.

Special and Visual FX: Not Applicable

Overall: C, kids may like it more than I did but its no Wall-e or Kung Fu Panda.

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